Mandatory Training List

15 Care Certificate Modules

  • Understand your role
  • Your personal development
  • Duty of care
  • Equality and diversity
  • Work in a person centred way
  • Communication
  • Privacy and dignity
  • Fluids and nutrition
  • Awareness of mental health, dementia, and learning disability
  • Safeguarding adults
  • Safeguarding children
  • Basic life support
  • Health and safety
  • Handling information
  • Infection prevention and control

Specialist Bespoke Inhouse Courses

  1. Dementia, Stroke awareness
  2. Diabetes, Learning disabilities,
  3. Mental Health,
  4. End of Life Care,
  5. Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
  6. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,
  7. Tissue Viability,
  8. Dysphagia,
  9. Parkinsonism,
  10. Epilepsy,
  11. Congestive
  12. Cardiac Failure,
  13. Frailty and Falls
  14. Health & Safety

Healthcare Support Worker/Healthcare Assistant

In the realm of healthcare, the British industry thrives on the expertise of skilled professionals. At SkillSet Consultancy & Training Services, we specialise in providing comprehensive training, top-notch consultancy, and efficient recruitment services in the social care and health sectors. Whether you are a healthcare professional seeking immigration and work visa guidance or an organisation in need of skilled doctors and nurses, we have you covered.

Learn more about healthcare worker visa & immigration on our Visa Immigration page.

Our training programs are designed to equip healthcare professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles. From dementia care to medication management and Alzheimer’s support, our courses cover a wide range of topics relevant to the evolving healthcare landscape. We offer tailored training solutions to meet the specific needs of individuals and organisations, ensuring that you receive the expertise and support required for professional growth and career progression.

When it comes to recruitment, our consultancy services are second to none. We have established strong partnerships with healthcare organisations, enabling us to efficiently match skilled professionals with job opportunities. Whether you are a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare specialist, we understand the importance of finding the right fit for both individuals and institutions. Our recruitment process is thorough and meticulous, ensuring that candidates possess the necessary qualifications and experience to provide exceptional care.

For individuals seeking immigration and work visa assistance, our team of experts is well-versed in the intricacies of the process. We provide guidance and support throughout the visa application journey, particularly for healthcare professionals looking to make a meaningful contribution in the UK. Our immigration barristers combine legal expertise with a compassionate approach, ensuring that you receive the necessary guidance to navigate the immigration system with confidence.

At SkillSet Consultancy & Training Services, we are committed to empowering healthcare professionals and organisations alike. We recognise the value of a skilled workforce in delivering high-quality care and support. With our comprehensive training, reliable consultancy, and efficient recruitment services, we strive to make a positive impact on the social care and health sectors. Partner with us to unlock the full potential of your career or organisation and elevate the standard of care in the UK.

Our Courses

Important Terms Related to Dementia

Dementia is an umbrella term for a range of progressive conditions that affect the brain.

Each type of dementia stops a person’s brain cells (neurones) working properly in specific areas, affecting their ability to remember, think and speak.

Doctors typically use the word ‘‘dementia’’ to describe common symptoms – such as memory loss, confusion, and problems with speech and understanding – that get worse over time.

Dementia can affect a person at any age but it’s more common in people over the age of 65.

There are over 200 subtypes of dementia. The most common are Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal dementia and mixed dementia.

By 2025, it’s estimated that over one million people in the UK will have a diagnosis of dementia – and almost all of us will know someone living with the condition. Our dementia specialist Admiral Nurses explain the facts you need to know.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia in the UK. It’s caused by a build-up of proteins in the brain which damage the brain cells’ ability to transmit messages.

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease tend to get worse over time. They include:

  • difficulty remembering recent events (often retaining a good memory for past events)
  • poor concentration
  • difficulty recognising people or objects
  • poor organisational skills
  • confusion
  • disorientation
  • slow, muddled or repetitive speech
  • difficulty performing everyday tasks such as cooking, paying bills, and shopping
  • problems with decision-making

There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, but medication is available to help slow its progression.

Vascular dementia is the second most common type of dementia. It’s caused by problems in the supply of blood to the brain, commonly due to strokes or ‘mini strokes’ called transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs). This causes areas of cell damage in the brain. Changes in a person’s condition as a result of TIAs or a larger stroke are often sudden and then plateau (level off). But the damage caused often means the person never functions quite the same as they did before. Vascular damage can also take place in the smaller vessels of the brain (‘small vessel disease’) and symptoms may be more gradual. The symptoms of vascular dementia are often similar to Alzheimer’s disease, such as memory problems, disorientation and difficulty with communication.

However, symptoms can depend on which area of the brain has been affected and may include specific problems with:

Lewy body dementia is a progressive condition that affects movement and motor control (the ability to control voluntary movements for specific tasks, like walking, getting dressed and using cutlery). Memory is often less affected than with other types of dementia.

  • A person with dementia with Lewy bodies might:
  • be prone to falls
  • have sudden bouts of confusion
  • have tremors (shaking or trembling, similar to Parkinson’s disease)
  • have trouble swallowing
  • experience disrupted sleep patterns due to intense dreams/nightmares
  • have visual (sight) and auditory (hearing) hallucinations
  • shuffle when they walk

Frontotemporal dementia affects the frontal lobes of the brain: the part that controls behaviour, learning, personality and emotions.

It can affect people of all ages, but is more common in people aged 45 to 65 years than in those aged 65 and over.

Frontotemporal dementia can be difficult to diagnose. It’s sometimes confused with depression, stress, anxiety, psychosis or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

Frontotemporal dementia can cause inappropriate social behaviour and a lack of inhibitions. Eating patterns can also be affected, with people suddenly bingeing on food, especially sweet foods.

It’s possible to have two types of dementia at the same time, most commonly Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia.

A person with mixed dementia will experience a mixture of the symptoms associated with the types of dementia they have.

Young onset dementia is any type of dementia where symptoms develop before the age of 65. You might hear it described as ‘early onset dementia’ or ‘working age dementia.’ It’s thought that about five percent of people with dementia have young onset dementia.

The most common types of dementia amongst younger people are Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia and frontotemporal dementia. Rare and genetically inherited types of dementia like Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease are also more common in younger people.

Problems with language, vision, behaviour and/or personality may be the first symptoms, rather than memory loss. This can result in a delay in diagnosis as the symptoms may be wrongly attributed to another problem such as depression, work stress or relationship difficulties.

If someone has symptoms of dementia, visit a GP as soon as possible. Some other treatable conditions have similar symptoms, including infections, thyroid problems, circulatory issues, vitamin deficiency, sleep apnoea, stress and depression, and it’s important to rule these out.

The GP should take the person’s medical and family history and ask questions about their concentration, short-term memory, mood, and behaviour changes.

The GP may then request blood tests, an MRI or CT scan to examine the structure of the brain, and/or a chest X-ray to check for any chest conditions that could be causing the symptoms.

They may also refer the person to a memory service/clinic, or to a specialist for further investigation, assessment and possible treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Dementia

The brain is made up of four lobes: frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital. Each lobe has a different function and depending on which part is damaged by dementia, it can lead to different signs and symptoms.

Frontal lobes control:

  • emotional expression
  • personality
  • problem-solving
  • judgement
  • motor function
  • language
  • motivation
  • social behaviour

Temporal lobes control:

  • memory
  • speech
  • language comprehension
  • auditory (hearing) and visual perception
  • emotional responses
  • face recognition

Parietal lobes control:

  • learnt skills such as reading, writing, calculations and driving
  • object recognition
  • spatial awareness

Occipital lobes control:

  • spatial awareness
  • colour recognition
  • object recognition
  • hand-eye coordination such as picking up items

You can’t prevent dementia, but there are things that could reduce your risk of developing it:

  • eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • if you’re a smoker, stop smoking
  • avoid drinking too much alcohol
  • Ask your GP to test your blood pressure and cholesterol level, and take advice on reducing these if they’re raised
  • Stay physically and mentally active: activities like walking, gardening, singing, art, music, reading, puzzles and learning a new language may help

Most dementias are not inherited, although Alzheimer’s disease may be more likely if you have a family history of the condition. Genetics are also thought be involved in around 10% of young onset dementia cases. Some rarer causes of dementia can be inherited, like Huntington’s disease.

There are over 900,000 people living with dementia in the UK and this is set to rise to over one million by 2025.

As awareness of dementia is increasing, people are more likely to recognise the signs and go to their GP to get a diagnosis.

People are also living for longer, and the risk of developing dementia gradually increases in people over the age of 65: one in six people in their 80s will develop dementia, and over one in three people aged 90 and over.

Stroke Awareness

A stroke is a blood clot or bleed in the brain and can lead to permanent neurological damage, complications and sometimes death. There are different types of strokes, depending on whether the disruption in blood flow resulted from a blockage or a burst, Ischaemic Stroke, Haemorrhagic Stroke, Subarachnoid Haemorrhage, and Transient attack or ‘mini-stroke’.

There are different types of stroke, but ultimately, a stroke is a blood clot or bleed in the brain and can lead to permanent neurological damage, complications and sometimes death.

There are different types of strokes, depending on whether the disruption in blood flow resulted from a blockage or a burst:


  • Ischaemic stroke: the blood vessels in the brain are blocked by a clot or have become too narrow for blood to get through. The reduction in blood flow causes brain cells in the area to die from lack of oxygen. This is what happens in 80% of all strokes.
  • Haemorrhagic stroke: the blood vessel bursts, rather than being blocked. This results in blood leaking into the brain and causing damage.

Subarachnoid haemorrhage: there is bleeding into the area around the brain known as the subarachnoid space. This is usually due to a burst aneurysm, which is a weakness in the blood vessel wall.


Develop an understanding of diabetes, its management, and the impact it has on individuals’ lives. Learn about diabetes prevention, monitoring blood sugar levels, dietary considerations, and insulin administration. Acquire skills to provide comprehensive care and support to individuals with diabetes, promoting their well-being and quality of life.

It’s the most common form of diabetes. Type 2 means that your body doesn’t use insulin properly. And while some people can control their blood glucose (blood sugar) levels with healthy eating and exercise, others may need medication or insulin to manage it. Regardless, you have everything you need to fight it.

Learning disabilities

A learning disability is to do with the way someone’s brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things. is a reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities – for example household tasks, socialising or managing money – which affects someone for their whole life.

Mental Health

Key facts

  • Affordable, effective and feasible strategies exist to promote, protect and restore mental health.
  • The need for action on mental health is indisputable and urgent.
  • Mental health has intrinsic and instrumental value and is integral to our well-being.
  • Mental health is determined by a complex interplay of individual, social and structural stresses and vulnerabilities.

Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realise their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. It is an integral component of health and well-being that underpins our individual and collective abilities to make decisions, build relationships and shape the world we live in. Mental health is a basic human right. And it is crucial to personal, community and socio-economic development.

Mental health is more than the absence of mental disorders. It exists on a complex continuum, which is experienced differently from one person to the next, with varying degrees of difficulty and distress and potentially very different social and clinical outcomes.

Mental health conditions include mental disorders and psychosocial disabilities as well as other mental states associated with significant distress, impairment in functioning, or risk of self-harm. People with mental health. Conditions are more likely to experience lower levels of mental well-being, but this is not always or necessarily the case.

End of Life Care

Develop the knowledge and skills required to provide compassionate and supportive end-of-life care. Understand the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of end-of-life care, communication with individuals and their families, symptom management, and ethical considerations. Enhance your ability to provide comfort and dignity to individuals during their final stages of life. End of life care is for people who are thought to be in the last year of life. This timeframe can be difficult to predict, so some people might only receive end of life care in their last weeks or days. And others may have end of life care for longer.

Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Mental capacity means you have ability to make your own decisions. If you lose mental capacity the Mental Capacity Act 2005 protects you and your rights. You may lose mental capacity because of your mental illness. This section explains mental capacity and how the Act works. This information is for adults affected by mental illness in England. It’s also for their loved ones and carers and anyone interested in this subject. Gain insights into mental capacity and the legal framework surrounding decision-making for individuals who lack capacity. Learn about deprivation of liberty safeguards, best interest assessments, and the rights of individuals.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Is a name for a collection of lung diseases including chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive airways disease. People with COPD have difficulties breathing, primarily due to the narrowing of their airways, this is called airflow obstruction. Acquire specialised knowledge about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), its causes, symptoms, and management.

Tissue Viability

What is Tissue Viability? Tissue viability is a medical and nursing speciality that addresses aspects of skin and soft tissue health, including the care of acute surgical wounds, chronic wounds, pressure ulcers and all forms of leg ulceration.. Acquire the skills to provide appropriate wound care interventions, promote healing, and prevent complications in individuals with tissue damage.


Dysphagia occurs when there is a problem with the neural control or the structures involved in any part of the swallowing process. Weak tongue or cheek muscles may make it hard to move food around in the mouth for chewing, including swallowing difficulties. Understand the causes and consequences of dysphagia, assessment techniques, and strategies for safe eating and drinking. Acquire practical skills to support individuals with dysphagia and enhance their nutritional intake and quality of life.


Deepen your understanding of Parkinson’s disease and related movement disorders. Acquire knowledge about symptom management, medication considerations, and the physical, emotional, and cognitive challenges faced by individuals with Parkinsonism. Enhance your ability to provide comprehensive care, support, and improve the quality of life for individuals with Parkinsonism.


Develop expertise in the understanding and management of epilepsy. Gain knowledge about seizure types, triggers, first aid measures, medication considerations, and the impact of epilepsy on individuals’ lives. Acquire practical skills to recognise and respond to seizures, provide support during and after seizures, and promote the safety and well-being of individuals living with epilepsy.

Congestive Cardiac Failure

Deepen your understanding of congestive cardiac failure (CCF), its causes, symptoms, and management strategies. Acquire knowledge about medication management, lifestyle modifications, and symptom recognition. Develop skills to provide holistic care, support self-management, and improve the quality of life for individuals with congestive cardiac failure.

Frailty and Falls

Acquire knowledge about frailty and falls prevention, including risk factors, assessment techniques, and strategies to minimise falls and related injuries in individuals. Develop skills in promoting strength, balance, and mobility, as well as creating safe environments to prevent falls and support the well-being of frail individuals.

Health & Safety

Enhance your understanding of health and safety principles and practices in the workplace. Learn about risk assessment, hazard identification, emergency preparedness, and safety protocols. Acquire practical skills to maintain a safe environment for individuals, minimise accidents, and promote the well-being of both care providers and those in their care.